A Day in the Field with Days For Girls

On January 17, 2023 ,TaroWorks had the pleasure of welcoming the new Grameen Foundation CEO, Zubaida Bai to our Nairobi office. While visiting, the Kenya team accompanied Zubaida for a field visit to one of our clients to see TaroWorks and TaroWorks Enterprise in action.

The team went to meet with Days For Girls – a nonprofit organization whose mission is to eliminate the stigma and limitations associated with menstruation by increasing access to menstrual products and education for women and girls around the world. Since 2021, Days For Girls has been using TaroWorks for inventory management, sales and order management and maintenance and support.

In Kenya, Days For Girls works with 22 different micro-enterprises. Each enterprise sells approximately 500 menstrual kits a month. Currently they are working towards getting their kits certified by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).

I was very impressed with the work I saw being done in the field. My passion is to create the space for marginalized women and girls to show up with their own power, so it was great to learn more about how the TaroWorks platform can improve their efforts to grow micro-enterprises.

Zubaida Bai, President and CEO, Grameen Foundation

Take a look through some of the photos for our trip with Zubaida to visit Robert, the Supply Chain Manager, and Faith, the Resources Hub Administrator and the Enterprise Coordinator from Days For Girls. We were thrilled to facilitate this visit, as Zubaida’s passion project is to help bring positive impact to marginalised women and girls, and support the communities they come from.

Manufacturing the Products

The team was taken through the different processes involved in manufacturing the reusable (washable) sanitary pad kits. Robert explained how they cut, assemble and package the different kits ensuring that quality products are delivered to the girls. Faith demonstrated their cutting press and explained the process for cutting the different components. The micro-enterprises order the different components as needed and sew them up into the cases, flannel and kit bags.  

Reusable Sanitary Pad, Days For Girls
Reusable Sanitary Pads, Days For Girls
Manufacturing the Reusable Sanitary Pads, Days For Girls

TaroWorks in Action

After the manufacturing process was demonstrated by Robert, Faith showcased the TaroWorks <> Salesforce process of taking orders, confirming and shipping. Days for Girls has all the micro-enterprises documented in the TaroWorks system. Faith explained that all the processes are going smoothly. Recently, they were able to improve the cycle counts and adjustments which they had previously struggled with. 

(From Left to Right) Betty Macharia – TaroWorks, Zubaida Bai – Grameen Foundation,
Faith Murabwa and Robert Nyamweya – Days for Girls
Faith showcasing a TaroWorks job for receiving an order.
Closeup: Faith showcasing a TaroWorks job for receiving an order

Visiting a Micro-enterprise

Finally, Robert took Zubaida and some of the TaroWorks team to see a micro-enterprise in Kibera. The entrepreneur gave her journey into Days for Girls. In 2017, she was identified for the project and traveled to Uganda for training. She was given a grant of $1,000 plus sewing machines to get started. She also explained how her enterprise has grown significantly and now she works with more personnel who have helped expand her operations. Apart from selling the subsidized sanitary pads to the girls, she also gives some to a school in Kisumu and the girls and their mothers are very grateful.

Zubaida, Betty, and Robert with a mico-enterprise in Kibera, Nairobi.


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TaroWorks Team

TaroWorks Team

At TaroWorks we envision a world where it is as easy to manage across the last mile as it is across the first.



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