A common concern for organizations planning to digitize their field services in the emerging markets is field team adoption – how to get field staff who have never used smartphones to embrace and own the new processes and technology.
We’ve delved into the topic of field team adoption in the past, sharing our best practices based on experiences with global deployments over the years, including our ABC’s of Mobile User Adoption, and tips for how to Ensure Mobile Tech Adoption.
We also recently hosted a webinar on field team adoption of technology with SOIL Haiti, an organization transforming waste into resources in Haiti with their Ekolakay compost toilet service. SOIL’s Erica Lloyd, Systems Director, and Shannon Smith, Sales and Marketing Advisor, shared how they prepared and trained sanitation field staff to use the TaroWorks app to track their daily activities with Ekolakay customers.
In the webinar, SOIL shared some great insights about how they were able to turn field agents who had never used smartphones before into agents who are now owning and suggesting new processes because they are now empowered with information while offline.
SOIL field technology training session
From the webinar, we developed a video series of short clips to highlight 8 Tips for Field Team Adoption that they mentioned. Part 1 covers SOIL’s insights on the importance of planning, including putting in upfront investment, mapping out the processes with mobile users, and developing trust by rolling out fully-tested systems.
We hope you’re inspired by these tips as much as we were!
Video Series Part 2: Select tips around training, including how to start the conversation and how to motivate your field team. (View Video)
Video Series Part 3: Tips around how to prepare for a successful field staff training. (Video Video)
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TaroWorks, a Grameen Foundation company.
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