Our Inside Scoop on Dreamforce

Earlier this month, we attended Dreamforce, the world’s largest non-profit technology conference. During our time in the foundation zone, we were able to give demos and catch up with clients and partners.  As a way to wrap-up Dreamforce, here are a few of our highlights.



  • Motivating speakers- Dr. Larry Brilliant from the Skoll Global Threats Fund stood out for us. His session focused on how technology innovations are saving humanity. Dr. Brilliant offered breakthroughs on how technology today can map sickness to a Cholera-ridden public water point to cataract materials being made available for as low as $1.40. Brilliant made the point that we now have the tools to handle global crises at our fingertips and that we must find ways to get these solutions to the last mile. We came away from the session re-energized about TaroWorks’ mission to help organizations improve the lives of the world’s poor.
  • Getting on the Salesforce bandwagon- The ‘Admin Zone’ was packed during the conference as new users were learning how to get up and running on Salesforce. It was great to see all the excitement and interest. Stay tune for a future blog post on our top data migration tips from our friends at Tact Global.
  • Seeing our friends- As big and chaotic as Dreamforce is, we got to spend quality time with our friends at Technoserve, TACT, Eternus, Vera Solutions, World’s Touch and World Renew. Our clients and partners are always top priorities for us. Be sure to stay up-to-date by following our Twitter and LinkedIn channels and visiting our blog as we showcase the great work of our partners and clients in the coming weeks and months ahead.

We had a blast at Dreamforce. How was Dreamforce for you?


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TaroWorks Team

TaroWorks Team

At TaroWorks we envision a world where it is as easy to manage across the last mile as it is across the first.


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