Announcing the Winner of the TaroWorks Enterprise Grant

We are thrilled to announce the winner of the first round of the TaroWorks Enterprise Grant, awarded to a non-profit that exhibited a social mission with a big impact. Congratulations We Care Solar for ​​​​winning $20,000 to help subsidize the use of TaroWorks Enterprise, our mobile inventory management system.

Around the world, more than 300,000 women and one million newborns die from pregnancy and childbirth complications each year. An often-overlooked aspect of maternal and newborn health care is the need for electricity – a critical enabler of medical and surgical lighting and communications. We Care Solar works to provide reliable clean energy solutions for obstetric services. We are excited to help We Care Solar scale by streamlining their mobile inventory management system.

Health worker delivering baby in hospital, Uganda, Photo by We Care Solar
Health worker, Sierra Leone, Photo by We Care Solar

Globally, We Care Solar has equipped more than 7,600 health centers, serving more than 11 million mothers and newborns, with their award-winning Solar Suitcases – compact, complete solar electric systems that enable the provision of effective, around-the-clock maternity care. In 2017, We Care Solar launched the Light Every Birth initiative to ensure that every mother has access to a health center with reliable lighting and essential electricity. They have distributed thousands of products to Sub-Saharan Africa, including Liberia, Uganda, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe.

How will the TaroWorks Enterprise Grant help We Care Solar?

In partnership with Qualcomm through its Qualcomm® Wireless Reach™ initiative, TaroWorks will award $20,000 to We Care Solar to streamline their inventory management, incident and maintenance tracking, and their monitoring & evaluation. This will give the organization more time to support activities that will directly contribute to the success of their scaling plan, allowing We Care Solar to reach more health facilities in under-resourced communities. They have an ambitious scaling plan of increasing the number of health facilities they are serving by 30% each year, serving an additional 3.7 million mothers and newborns over the next two years .

We Care Solar wants to more efficiently track the maintenance of the Solar Suitcases and ensure that they continue to serve communities in the future, ensuring more mothers and newborns are served over the 10-year minimum life span of the Solar Suitcase.

Currently, We Care Solar records their inventory management information on paper forms and spreadsheets, which are then manually entered into Salesforce. TaroWorks will enable field staff to keep a real-time record of their inventory, which integrates with inventory records in Salesforce to give them more transparency and oversight. In addition to inventory management, We Care Solar will be using TaroWorks to track the 7,000 installed units that are under their maintenance management system.

Are you looking for a Mobile Inventory Management System?

Without supply chain transparency, emerging market distribution efforts can experience stockouts that increase costs, erode trust and decrease revenue. The TaroWorks Enterprise mobile inventory management system helps track stock levels and product movements between suppliers, warehouses and last mile distribution agents – even from offline smartphones or tablets. Get in touch with us to learn more about how you can benefit from our mobile inventory management system.

Let us show you how TaroWorks’ offline mobile field service app can help scale your business by digitizing sales and supply chain management, increasing agent network productivity, and analyzing data in real-time for business insight.


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TaroWorks Team

TaroWorks Team

At TaroWorks we envision a world where it is as easy to manage across the last mile as it is across the first.



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